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March Minutes

EVERGREEN ART ASSOCIATION – GENERAL MEETING MARCH 11, 2019 Teresa Owens gave a report on the Art and Quilt show that Evergreen is in collaboration with. Members gave updates on events :Robert Karr, Avenue West Art Gallery in Spokane is having a Tea Party March 22,5-8 pm. Cathi Rawley showed two paintings. Ellen Bartell showed a winter scene that she has recently finished. Peggy Compton stated that POAC does not have a place to hang art. Christine Haynes is experimenting with tints in alcohol inks, Ken Smith talked about having good light for his work in pen and ink. His work is going to be featured at the New Moon Gallery in Spokane. Sharon Smith finished her painting of a Pine Martin Bird. Treasurer and Secretary Report, Ken motioned to accept the reports and was approved. Committee Reports: Rotation Janet Steiner, Little Girl, Ken Smith, 1018, Gail Cory-Betz, Rock Cliff, Ellen Bartell, Winter Scene, Peggy Compton, Fruit and Bowl. Places to Hang: Janet Steiner talked about Alice in Wonderland, Priest River Library, and the Visitor Center. The Sunshine committee sent a card to Ginny Mathews. The Nominating committee will have the names of prospective officers next meeting. Randy Haa made a motion to charge 20% for all sales of art work. It unanimously passed June 10th will be the Pleine Aire event at Robert Karr’s Iris Gardens Randy gave a report on Rally the Valley Art event Jan Gleason reviewed the events calendar for the year Theme Painting were judged Peggy Compton and Cathi Rawley were tied for first place. Jan Gleason gave a report on the Museum activities. There are different tours happening This month’s demonstration is by Jan Gleason, using a new powdered product. Meeting was adjourned at 11; Minutes recorded by Randy Haa Addendum to minutes: The treasurer’s report showed total accounts of $2837.54, with a general fund of $1093.07 and 1577.30 in the scholarship fund. Checks were written for stamps and to Barry Dumaw for last mo. demo. Members who signed up to bring art for rotation in April are: Randy Haa, Cathi Rawley, Ken Smith, Sharon Smith and Jan Gleason. The board meeting will be Thursday April 4 at 3:p.m. Note new time. 

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